thesecretmaster they them
  1. Stack Exchange
  2. Twitch
  3. GitHub
  4. Technical Theater
  5. :)

Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange was the first community I really got involved in, and it's where a lot of my opinions and experience about moderation come from. I strongly believe in Stack Exchange's approach to moderation, and really appreciate the knowledge and skill of the moderators, users, and community managers I've gotten to see at work there.

♦ CSEducators Moderator

Community Moderator on Computer Science Educators Stack Exchange.

CharcoalHQ Logo Charcoal SE: Metasmoke Developer

Charcoal HQ is a group of Stack Exchange users dedicated to handling spam, trolling, and rude/abusive content on the Stack Exchange network. I work(ed) on metasmoke, the web UI and dashboard for our chat bot, Smoke Detector. More recently, I've been less active, but I would like to get involved again if I get the time and motivation :)

Stack Exchange RubyGems

Developed rubygems ChatX, se-realtime, and se-api, for interacting with chat, the realtime websocket, and the API respectively.

Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange Logo IPS Comment Bot: Developer

Created and developed a bot to detect comments that did not meet community standards on Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange.




High performance data structure store designed to function similarly to redis.

Areas of Interest / Expertise

Technical Theater

There's a limited amount I can talk about without sharing identifiable information, so I'm going to try and keep it vague :)

Theatrical Electrician

I've worked in lighting (primarily as a master electrician) for over 5 years, on productions of almost every scale, ranging from houses that seat thousands to houses that seat 20. I've learned to enjoy both in different ways, although I do like to have fancier toys to play with if the opportunity arises :P

Scenic Carpentry

I've also done a significant quantity of scenic carpentry. I'm a perfectly capable carpenter and have significant experience under my belt, although I have a slight preference for lighting. Someday, I'd like to learn the finer aspects of woodworking!


Quick note, I'm not going to be too specific because I don't want you to hunt down the channels I'm active in, please don't try, thanks :)

Twitch Moderator Badge Moderation

Recently joined my first mod team and I'm having a great time!

NightBot Logo NightBot

I've enjoyed playing with nightbot and have helped Gemhunter178 with their hosting for large nightbot commands and a bit of refactoring! I've also been doing a bit of command making myself, although I'm still very much learning.


Submitted a patch to BTTV to add support for disabling native emotes. Potentially more work to come!

Bot Building

Recently I've been playing around a bit with twitch analytics, and I hope to be able to produce some interesting results or bots soon™! Feel free to reach out if you're interested in talking about ideas or giving me tips or anything!